Sashimi at a glance

Browse, organise and edit your photos


Browse raw, JPEG and HEIC images in filesystem folders, and on your iPhone, iPad or memory cards.


Group similar photos together by their image contents or metadata, to pick the best ones.


Get help from Sashimi's AI, suggesting reject images you will probably want to delete.


To make a choice yourself, see every detail while comparing candidates in Focus View.


Make quick-proof edits like straightening, cropping and exposure adjustment directly in Sashimi.


Satisfied with the adjustments, drag & drop photos out to the Finder, or share via Messages.


Copy or move keeper images from your iPhone or memory card onto the Mac. Delete reject images.


Import images to keep into Photos, Lightroom, or Capture One. Edits made in Sashimi will be included.

Pick source, make choices

Pick source, make choices

Organize photos in your Pictures folder, or any other folder on yout Mac; on your iPhone and iPad; or removable disk drives and memory cards. Make choices for photos to keep and reject.

Apply choices

Pick a folder on your Mac to copy or move keeper images into. Import the images into Photos, Lightroom or Capture One for editing.

Apply choices

Get suggestions

Turn on Sashimi's smart AI to get suggestions for images to reject, and group similar images together based on what is in the images.

Tweak the AI
Get suggestions

Tweak the AI

Adjust the grouping sensitivity & confidence of the suggestions to your preference.

Focus, compare, edit

Focus, compare, edit

Examine photo details closely in Focus View. Compare similar images to pick the best ones. Straighten, crop and adjust.

Supporting Sashimi


Note: during the Sashimi 1.0 Beta period, the app download includes Pro Pack features.

  • Fast browsing of photos in filesystem folders, iPhones, iPads & memory cards
  • Reject suggestions by Sashimi AI
  • Basic culling using a single Keepers tab
  • Non-destructive quick-proof editing: straighten, crop & adjust
  • Import keeper images to Photos, Lightroom and Capture One
  • Download
Pro Pack
One-time purchase
  • All the features of Basic, plus:
  • Enhanced culling using multiple Keeper tabs
  • Metadata editing
  • Import quick-proof & metadata edits to Lightroom and Capture One
  • One year of new Pro Pack features
  • One year of support
  • Download

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